IBCC’s WAAF Top Trumps

HWendy of the WAAFi there! I am Wendy, nice to meet you! During the war I was one of the many wonderful woman who made up the Woman’s Auxiliary Air Force (WAAF), they were the women who supported the RAF in World War II. I was a Wireless Operator, I used my head phones to listen for messages and signals.

Woman did lots of different and important jobs in the WAAF, you will be able to find out all about them with my WAAF Top Trumps. To play the game print off the top trump cards and cut them out– if you haven’t played Top Trumps before- that’s ok! The rules are just below.

Whilst you are playing, why don’t you get your friends and family to think about answering these questions:

1. Why do you think women were not allowed to be in the RAF during World War II?

2. Why do women get paid differently for all the different jobs?

3. Do you notice anything else about the jobs women have?

Happy playing!


Click this link to find my special WAAF Top Trump Cards You’ll also find some other fun stuff to do here too.


This version of Top Trumps is best with two people, but the more cards you make, the more 
people can play!

To start the game, shuffle and deal all the cards face down. Each player holds their cards so
that they can see the top card only.

The player to the dealer’s left starts by reading out a category from the top card (e.g. 
Pay: 3d) The other players then read out the same category from their cards. The one with the
best or highest value wins, and that player collects all the top cards, including their own,
and moves them to the bottom of their pile. It is then their turn again to choose a category
from the next card.

If two or more cards share the top value or data is not available for that particular subject
then all the cards are placed in the middle and the same player chooses again from the next
card. The winner of the hand takes the cards in the middle as well.

The person with all the cards at the end is the winner.


What job would you like to do in the WAAF? Why don’t you make your own identity card? Follow the link for a template WAAF identity card


Extra Task!

During World War II women and men wrote a lot of letters. Often they had to live a long way away from their families and friends so that they could do their jobs. They missed their loved ones a lot whilst they were away working so wrote lots of letters telling each other what they were doing and about all the exciting new skills they were learning. Why don’t you imagine you have just joined the WAAF and write a letter to your family or your best friend to tell them what you are doing?


When the centre is open again we have lots of fun activities for schools and children visiting. You can find out more about them here 

Our online archive has lots of cool women’s stories, you and your children can discover them here


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