Youth Group Visits
Have you thought about bringing your Scouting or Girl Guiding group to the IBCC? We offer a fun, flexible learning experience utilising a wide range of resources.
We offer both a special package which includes:
- Tour of the Exhibition
- Tour of the Memorial
- Presentation of the special IBCC badge, an excellent addition to camp blankets!
- We also offer commemorative badges!
This is priced at £7.00 per head and lasts for 90 minutes. Additional accompanying adults at £3.00 each. If the group size consists of only 10-13 children, then 2 free adults are allowed.
Uniformed Adults/Helpers are free based on the ratio shown below:
- 1 adult to 6 Beavers/Rainbows
- 1 adult to 8 Cubs/Brownies
- 1 adult to 12 Scouts/Girl Guides
- Min group size: 10 children; Max group size: 30 children
Cadet Visits
For cadets, the same package as above is priced at the reduced cost of £4 per head, which also includes a Spire Tour and entry to the exhibition.
Uniformed helpers are free on the following ratios:
- 1 adult per 12 cadets
- If the group only consists of 12 cadets, there can be 2 free adults
If you’re unsure, get in touch with our team and we’ll be happy to help.
Booking details
- We run evening visits for Scouting/Girl Guiding Groups April-September
- We also welcome visits on a weekend or during the school holidays
- We invoice after the visit for payment, there is no facility to pay on the day
To discuss further or book your session, please contact the Learning Officer.