Memorial Wall at the International Bomber Command Centre. Credit Tim Doyle


The IBCC Losses Database records the details of 58,438 Bomber Command deaths throughout its existence (1936-1968), including pre-war and post-war losses. It provides one of the most comprehensive records of these losses in the world, including an ever-increasing amount of biographical information and photographs.

The work to create this database, which now contains over 5.2 million pieces of data, has taken our team of volunteers 10 years. Led by our Losses Archivist, and volunteer, Dave Gilbert, the team have cross referenced the data with innumerable sources including the Chorley Volumes, national and international Rolls of Honour, the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, Squadron Association records, and PoW records.

The database will help you discover the story behind each loss. The work on the database continues apace, with the aim of providing the most complete source of information on all aspects of their short lives. Our mantra is to paint a picture of the man (or woman) and not just the service member.

The Database covers the whole of Bomber Command’s history, from 1936 to 1968.

Tobin outside a bomber


When searching our database, first select the fields you would like to include using the ADD SEARCH FIELD button. You can choose as many or as few as you wish although, like all search engines, it’s best to put in less information to begin with and only include more fields if you need to narrow down your search.

With minimal exceptions, Bomber Command flew only out of UK stations. If your search doesn’t produce the results you were expecting it could be that your relative served in one of the other Commands that also flew bombers:

  • Second Tactical Air Force (2TAF)
  • RAF Middle East Command
  • Mediterranean Air Command
  • Coastal Command
  • Transport Command
  • Air Command South East Asia

A search for the squadron number on the internet should clarify in which Command your relative served.

We will be expanding the scope of the database over time to include other bomber losses, so please keep an eye on the ‘What’s New’ section.

We are always looking for photographs and further information on each of the losses to help bring their stories to life. Please help us to honour their sacrifice by submitting additional information and photos by clicking on the SUGGEST AN EDIT/ SUBMIT MORE INFO or SUBMIT A PHOTO buttons.


What’s New

Keep up to date with new information we’ve recently added:

Special Thanks

Here we thank the people who have recently gone the extra mile to help expand the database:

  • The Epitaphs Project Volunteers
  • Anne Doward
  • Jagan Pillarisetti of RAF Commands
  • Wessel Scheer from Nunspeet, Netherlands
  • Mark Haycock
  • Paul Markham
  • Mark Hanson


Appeals for help:

We’re always looking for new information to add. Here are the specific areas we’re looking for help with at the moment. If you can help, please drop us a line at

We’re looking for local History Groups and Societies to help us increase the biographical information we hold on each of the losses who hailed from your local area. To find out how you can help click here


The various phases of this project have been achieved with the kind co-operation of many, many volunteers who have contributed their time and effort over many years. All the named individuals below have kindly allowed their images to be reproduced with their permission.

NB: This project is planned to remain live, allowing for new material to be sourced and added. As a result, the various phase credits will be updated accordingly as required.

Tony Hibberd – IBCC Memorials Archivist

PHASE 1: (All known memorials in the UK to Bomber Command front line units & personnel) 

10 Sqn Assn (Dick King) | Ian A | Fiona Aspinall  | Ian Balche | Steve Baldwin |Phil Ball | Andrew Bates | Bedford School Archives | Paul Bishop | Martin Briscoe | Richard Brooks | Paul Cannon | Joe Cowley  | Peter Cunningham | Christopher Dean | Stephen Dobson | Dave Donaghy | Epsom College Archives  | Richard Flagg | John Grech | Paul Godwin (Scottish Military Research Group) | Mark Hanson | Andy Hardy | David Hawkins | Andy Hallowell | Jude Hewlett | John Hill | Andrew Holland | Kathy Hudspith | Steve Hurst | Martyn Jones | Angela Kenrick | Liverpool Anglican Cathedral (Canon Val Jackson) | Brian Martin | Linda Meridith | Kieran Murray |Alan Napier | Ian Newton | Derek Robinson | Brenda Kelly | Nigel Moore | Rob Moriarty | Roger Morgan | Roger Moss | Naomi Neathey | Jon Oliver | Susanne Pescott | Richard Polley | Malcolm Preston | Adrian Pye | Donald Robertson (South Mainland Community History Group) | Andrea Ruddock | Helen Theron | Alyson Tippings | the late Pete Tresadern | Jim Sheach | Phil Simmonds | Andy Smith | Ian Smith (Cunningsburgh History Group) | Nick Taylor | Kevin Turner | Robert Wade | Ray Woolmer

PHASE 2: (Canadian natural memorials to Bomber Command personnel)

Gordon Crossley (Canadian Armed Forces Heritage Officer)| Norman Malayney (Legion House Museum)

PHASE 3: (All known memorials in the UK to Bomber Command second line units & personnel)

Liz Aspinall | Phill Ball | James Barton | Bedford School Archives | Birkenhead School Archives (John William) | Paul Bishop | Pam Black | Martin Briscoe | Richard Brooks | Paul Cannon | Joe Cowley | Peter Davies | Dave Donaghy | Stephen Dobson | Lyn Eyre | Richard Flagg | Joan Gem | John Grech | Paul Godwin (Scottish Military Research Group) | Mark Hanson | Andy Hardy | Dave Hawkins | Howard Healey | Andy Hallowell | Jude Hewlett | Andrew Holland | Dom Howard | Kathy Hudspith | Steve Hurst | Angus Jack | Martyn Jones | Brenda Kelly | Geraint Llewellyn | Claire Martin | Brian Martin | Nigel Moore | Roger Morgan | Alan Napier | Naomi Neathey | Paul Nelson | Ian Newton | Jon Oliver | Derek Robinson | Richard Polley | Malcolm Preston | Ian Price | Derick Robinson | Andy Saunders | David Thompson | Richard Thompson | Alyson Tippings | the late Pete Tresadern | Jim Sheach | Daz Sheerin | Andy Smith | Nick Taylor | Kevin Turner | Paul Waites

PHASE 4: (All known miscellaneous Bomber Command memorials in the UK)

Richard Flagg | Dave Donaghy | Mark Hanson | Emily Hibberd | Alan Napier| Nick Taylor 

PHASE 5: (All known overseas Bomber Command memorials – various nations)


David Cole | Kevin Ruane | Stefan Zwingli


Vic de Backer | Phil Ball | Patrick Bauwens | Geert Beelaert | Belgians Remember Them Website | Franceso Boeijen | Thierry Cardon | Benny Celuears | Guy Demain John Falk | Oliver Gonne | Wim Govers | Belgium Hangar Flying Website  |  Frans van Humbeek | Jempy Jeggars | Marc Lambotte | Guy Lapielle | Marge Leissons | Sébastien Lorsignol | Hilly Niels | Ron Niels | Jef Pets | Danielle Roubroeks | Ed Tiebex | Rene Torsin | Jos Verhaere | Rik Verhelle | Steven Volckaerts | Thibout Westhof | Fenton Wiffen | Jean-Luc Wilmet | Luc Wittmans | Be Woodbarn


Sharon Christensen


Julie Berthelsen | Max Hansen Brunsvig | Finn Buch | Tom Elmstrøm-Christensen Bob Cobley | Martin Collins | Joe Evans | Søren Flensted | Jude Hartwig | Anders Lund | N.O. Nissen | Carsten Petersen | Hanne Petersen | Jens Peter Petersen | Leif Petersen | Peer Petersen | Dale Prescott | Preben Poulsgaard | Morten Grim Pliniussen | Kasper L. Roed | Michael Salling | Camilla Sørensen | Susanne Schneider | Klaus Steffensen | Inge Vinther | Lee Wainwright | Gary David Walsh


Martin Blythe | Klaus Steffensen | Steven Volckaerts


Lars Alkvist | Rosandra Nilsson | Roland Pedersen | Bengt Persson | Greater Copenhagen Nordostra Skane


Michael Cotton Clark | Stefan Zwingli

 Other nations to be added over the coming months