Flt Lt George A Hicks



George joined the Royal Air Force in 1947 with the aim of becoming a pilot, and his training took him to various countries.  When George received his ‘wings’ and Commission, he was posted to RAF Hemswell; the home of Bomber Command. There, George was to fly Lincoln bombers of 83 Sqn.  He flew to Hong Kong, Singapore, Cocos Islands and Norway.  Returning to Hemswell, George was stationed with Bomber Command.

In 1951 it was discovered that flying was giving George leg cramps and was advised to give up flying.  Keen to keep a connection with the aircraft he so loved, he retrained to work in Air Traffic Control. In 1955 George went to RAF Shawbury to complete is training and remained with ATC until his retirement in 1976.

George’s love of the Lincoln/Lancaster bomber, and pride of serving in the RAF, was to remain strong until his death in 2003.   His family are very proud of him.

  1. PS. His claim to fame was that he was an ‘extra’ in the film The Dambusters; playing the part of a crew member. Every time we watch the film, we think of him.



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