Size A4, hard back
With over 50 of Smith’s paintings featured on the right hand pages, accompanied by sketches, photos, and text on the left hand pages explaining the thoughts and ideas behind each image.
Extract from Foreword: “I have often wished that I had the wall space to hang more of Robin’s paintings, but now we can have them all in this wonderful book. Not only can we revel in the art, but in addition Robin provides us with explanatory notes with each picture, telling the historical background to the subject and giving some fascinating detail into his thoughts and his artistic ‘tricks’ in painting them. I am so pleased he has decided to put this book ‘Painted Wings’, together for our delight and I hope you enjoy it.” Sqn Ldr Clive Rowley MBE RAF (Rtd) – former Officer Commanding RAF Battle of Britain Memorial Flight and RAF fighter pilot.
2 in stock
Size A4, hard back