Backbone of Britain : Women in War, 1939 – 45


The Store behind the 10 Women Silhouettes located at International Bomber Command Centre

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World War II changed women’s lives – and British society – for ever.

In World War II, British women were still largely spared, or excluded from, combat roles. But the need for their capabilities demanded military service of more and more of them, and in roles where they faced the same risks as men. And the total nature of the war meant danger for all those on the Home Front too.

by 1943, in the UK 90 percent of single women of working age, and 80 percent of married women, were working outside the home in the armed forces, industry and other wartime organisations. Long-held notions of the limited capabilities of women became untenable in the light of the vast and varied contributions. Yet their courage, achievements and commitment are still insufficiently recognised.

So ten such “Women in War” have been memorialised with silhouettes, commissioned from “Standing with Giants”, installed at the International Bomber Command Centre (IBCC) in Lincolnshire. Their stories – bold, brave, committed and sometimes tragic – are told in this book, together with histories of the many new and different organisations with which they and other wartime women were involved.

This installation could not have been carried out wit the support of companies, organisations and individuals who share the IBCC belief in the importance of these stories.

We hope the stories of the lives of these women in wartime will continue to be an inspiration to succeeding generations.