Leaving a legacy in your will is a fitting and worthwhile way to help with the ongoing and important work of the International Bomber Command Centre. We are grateful to those who choose to donate in this special way.

Any money we receive via legacies is treated sensitively and professionally, and used in line with our charitable objectives.

The types of legacy you can leave.

What type of legacy you leave depends solely on your personal circumstances and what you choose to do. There are three main types of legacy you can leave:

International Bomber Command Centre

Pecuniary legacy

A pecuniary legacy is where a fixed sum of money is left. It is worth bearing in mind that because of inflation, the ‘value’ of a pecuniary legacy can decrease over time and if you choose to make such a legacy, it may be worth making the provision to index-link its value to protect the amount. Alternatively, it could be reviewed every few years to make sure it is in line with your wishes.

Residuary legacy

A residuary legacy is where you choose to leave the remainder of your estate, or a percentage of the remainder once all other gifts have been distributed, and outgoings dealt with.

The advantage of such a legacy is that it’s value is not eroded by inflation.

Specific legacy

A specific legacy is where you choose to leave a particular item that has value in your Will.

This could include Life Assurance policies, other investments or items which can be sold and the proceeds donated to the Trust.

International Bomber Command Centre

How to leave a legacy

Leaving a legacy in your will is a straightforward process.

If you already have a will, simply tell your solicitor what you wish to do and they will make the arrangements either via a codicil (an addition to your will) or by drafting a new will if they feel this will be better for you. It’s good practice to review your will every few years anyway, as personal circumstances often change.

If you don’t yet have a will, it’s good advice to make one, and as you are doing so you can have your wishes incorporated into it.

You can change your mind about your legacy at any time. To do this you will need to speak to your solicitor and talk to them about amending your will.

International Bomber Command Centre

Our details

When you are talking to your solicitor you will need to let them know our full details, to make sure your legacy reaches us safely.

International Bomber Command Centre owned and run by,
Lincolnshire Bomber Command Memorial,
Canwick Avenue
Registered Charity Number: 1144182

Informing the Lincolnshire Bomber Command Memorial of your legacy

You do not have to inform the Lincolnshire Bomber Command Memorial of your legacy. If you do however, it is useful as it helps us to plan our valued income and of course enables us to thank you for your generosity.

Any questions?

If you have any questions about leaving a legacy, please speak to your solicitor.

If you do not have a solicitor, we have a special arrangement with the team at Roythornes Solicitors. Roythornes will answer any questions you may have about leaving a legacy at no charge, so that you can be sure you are taking the right action.

Roythornes can be contacted on 01775 842500.

Alternatively you can find a solicitor via the Law Society Web site www.lawsociety.org.uk.

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