Today almost brings us to the end of the first month of my walk in memory of Michael. What a month it has been, my first walk seems such a long time ago. Likewise my last walk seems miles away!
Once again thank you for all of your support, I am really bowled over from the support, encouragement and donations I am receiving. It really does make a difference, to helping me go for my walk after a long day of work or with the testing weather conditions.
At the time of writing, I have completed 87.34 miles, so less than 1000 miles to go!
This week I have completed the following walks:

Walk 27 – walk around Wick, near Bristol with photo taken outside St Bartholomew Church
Walk 27’s location was chosen as this is where Michael’s wife Iris was from. This is also where they got married on the 28th August 1944. Michael is also remembered on the war memorial within the church. I have always wondered how Michael and Iris met and hope one day that I will be able to find this out.
This week I have been in contact with a venue which Michael visited during his RAF life, I hope this will materialise in the next month or so.
I look forward to having you with me in February. Cheerio for now.