International Bomber Command Centre


The IBCC Digital Archive is an extensive repository of the personal stories of those who served and suffered during WWII, including personal memorabilia and one of the biggest collections of eyewitness testimonies.  It is being created as part of this project to ensure that the story of the Command and the bombing campaign is preserved in perpetuity.

The Bomber Command Digital Archive is preserving documents, from all over the world, including log books, photographs, letters and service citations. The archive also contains oral histories of those involved, from all sides, ensuring that their first-hand experiences  are preserved before it is too late.

We are also currently working on a Post-war archive, so if you served from 1946-1968, please do please contact the Collections team here

The archive not only ensures the heritage is preserved but it helps to bring those involved to life through their personal documents and stories.

The archive is free for you to use and documents can be downloaded, printed and used for non-commercial purposes.  It is a fantastic resource for anyone with an interest in aviation heritage, military heritage, 20th century history and those doing family research.

If you have stories, documents or photographs that you would like to be preserved and included in the archive please contact us for an appointment on or call us on 01522 514755.

The archive is recording oral histories and is looking particularly for RAF Ground Crew, ground personnel and WAAFs, men and women who worked in factories, military and civilians on both sides of the conflict. If you know anyone who is willing to be interviewed please contact the Collections team here

Please be aware that our focus has been on gathering and preserving the collections rather than publishing them and that much of the work to prepare items for publishing online is carried out by volunteers.  This means that collections can take some time to appear in the Digital Archive.

Search the Archive


  • Photographs
  • Letters
  • Diaries and Notebooks
  • Drawings, cartoons, paintings or poetry
  • Memoirs
  • Albums and scrapbooks


  • Logbooks
  • Citations
  • Training manuals
  • Maps
  • Certificates