IBCC Lecture and Supper Series – In Conversation with RAF Heritage: Exploring the BBMF

12th September 2024 – 18.30 – 21.30

Reflections on the significance of preserving and commemorating RAF history

Description of the extensive research conducted to gather information on the BBMF’s aircraft, including archival sources, interviews, and first hand accounts.

Exploration of the role of illustration and photography in capturing the essence of the BBMF’s aircraft, including techniques used to document paint schemes, liveries, and visual changes over time.

Appreciation for the collaborative effort between authors, illustrators, photographers, and publishers in bringing the books to fruition, and gratitude towards the BBMF community for their support and contributions to the projects.

Q & A session

Chris Sandham-Bailey

Insights into the iconic aircraft featured in the book, such as the Lancaster, Spitfire, and Hurricane.

Collaboration process with historians, veterans, and aviation experts during the writing and illustration process.

Lisa Harding:

Description of the book’s visual narrative and themes.

Selection process for photographs included in the book.

Personal anecdotes or memorable moments during the photography sessions.

Additional offers:

Book signing after the lecture

Limited edition copies of both books, signed by various RAF officers to be available at the show

Printed posters of select pictures from the books to be signed at the show

The evening starts with a delicious hot buffet supper in The Hub Café at 18.30.

To book your tickets, please click here

The IBCC Events programme raises money to support our charity’s work with Learning and Outreach. To find out more about the range of events please click here.

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